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The Power of Thinking Big

confidence focus neuroscience Jul 31, 2024

David Schwartz is the bestselling author of "The Magic of Thinking Big," which has sold over six million copies worldwide. Here is one of the many pieces of advice about thinking big that shares.

"Believe it can be done. When you believe something can be done, your mind will find the ways to do it. Believing a solution paves the way to a solution."

If that sounds magical, it isn't. Think about it for just a minute.

You have two people who are identical in every respect. Their life experiences, abilities, resources, and opportunities are the same.

One believes that a small, normal life is all that is possible. They embrace this belief. They never take steps to achieve big things. They see small results, which reinforces their belief system. This cycle continues, and since there is no effort to grow or think bigger, all they achieve is small and average.

The second person once thought the same as the first person does, but they made a simple decision. They changed their thoughts. They decided to think that they could achieve all of their dreams. Thinking big instead of small illustrates that they must do certain things to achieve big dreams. Their thoughts inspire their actions, and their actions move them toward a bigger reality.

Your Subconscious Mind Runs 95% of Your Life.

Your subconscious believes whatever you tell it, true or false, real or imagined. It is a sponge with no judgment or opinion. Tell it that you can achieve big things, and it instantly begins looking for ways to help you do that.

Your conscious state of being only influences or controls about 5% of your life. Your subconscious mind is 19 times more capable. And it is entirely programmable. You can rewire your subconscious to believe in big thinking simply by telling it that's what's possible.

Constantly embracing big thinking gets the attention of your subconscious. It understands this must be important because you are always thinking about it. Since your subconscious leads to your actions, and your actions create the reality you experience, continuing to think big will make a big reality appear.

As Mr. Schwartz says in his landmark book on how your thoughts lead to your reality, this is a natural process. It works for men and women, young and old, and is not influenced by your past achievements or failures.

Think Big to Realize Big Things

Remember the Pygmalion Effect (also known as the Rosenthal Effect). People generally rise or fall according to your expectations. Guess what? You respond the same way to what you expect of yourself.

Dare to dream big. It's entirely up to you to believe that great things can happen and that you deserve them. Your most dominant thoughts shape your life. Harness the almost magical power of thinking big, and you will achieve big things.

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